Matchmaking by Subject (Market of Opportunities)


  1. The representatives of German universities, research centers, and funding organizations, have been assigned to one of the seven specialized sessions (approx. 8 for each session) according to their respective fields of study and research as well as their interest in prospective cooperation with potential Iranian partners. Attempts have been made to assign every researcher to the section that best matches their interest and specialty.
  2. Iranian participants will have to select which session(s) they would like to attend and check the appropriate box upon online registration.
  3. Each session will have a Chairperson, two Co-Chairs, and a coordinator.
  4. Up to 25 Iranian scientists and researchers will be registered for each session (we recommend an early registration because of the limited availability of seats)

Session1: Social and cultural studies
Session 2: Energy and environmental studies
Session 3: Transportation and Logistics
Session 4: ICT, Electronics and Computer Science
Session 5: Advanced Manufacturing and Nanoscience
Session 6: Geosciences, Geography and Agricultural Sciences
Session 7: Health and Medical Sciences